CR7P Radio Updates - Firmware 1.0.5

Here you will find all updates to keep your CR7P always up to date. You will need a USB-C cable and a computer with Windows software to perform the update.

This is how it works:

  • Download and install the update file
  • Open the update file
  • Connect the remote control to the PC with the USB cable – after connection the remote control activates by itself
  • Move the joystick upwards and then to the right to enter the menu
  • Move the joystick down to the menu item “SYSTEM SET”
  • Select the “FW UPDATE” item in the “SYSTEM SET” menu. Read the text on the display and confirm with “OK”
  • A software should now be displayed on the PC. Install it by pressing the “UPDATE” button
  • ATTENTION: Not all USB cables are compatible with all devices. If no software appears on your PC, please try it with another USB-C cable
  • The update will be installed and the remote control will restart – the update is now complete
  • Under certain circumstances the receiver has to be re-bound – see instructions

Absima SOFTWARE FOR CR7P remote control

Revenge V3.1 Software/Update

Software update for programming box 2110035 and 2110052 and V3.0 speed controller 2110050.

Update to Revenge CTS10 V3.1 – from April 2021.

Update to Revenge CTS10 V3.2 – from February 2023

Attention: Do not use for older speed controllers (V1, V2)!

For the update you need the program “DATA LINK” , the corresponding software and a USB interface cable (2110037).

After downloading and installing the Absima “DATA LINK” program, you must also download the corresponding software.

Start the Absima “DATA LINK” program and select the device to be programmed at the bottom left under Device Link.
Connect the blue socket of the programming box/controller’s programming port to the USB Interface Adapter which in turn is connected to your computer.
An LED on the interface adapter should now light up green.
Then press the “connect” button in the Data Link program – Connection Status. Both lamps in the program should now switch from red to green.
Now select in the area “Available Firmware” and then press the button “Update”.

V3.1 UPDATE: ProBox_0D430103 for the programming box or Absima_CTS10_V3_0D458203 for the ESC

V3.2 UPDATE: ProBox_0D430104 for the programming box or Absima_CTS10_V3_0D458204 for the ESC

The process is completed after the “Device Status” lamp has blinked red once. Now press the “Disconnect” button and disconnect the programming box from the computer.

Absima DATA LINK Program for Windows

Absima SOFTWARE FOR V3.1 Program Box and ESC

Absima SOFTWARE FOR V3.2 Program Box and ESC

CR4T Ultimate Updates

Here you will find all the updates to keep your CR4T Ultimate always up to date. With this update, the Racing Mode (competition) will always be saved, even if you turn off the radio. This update only works in conjunction with the R4WP Mini Ultimate receiver.

This is how it works:

Download the update file
Connect the radio with the USB cable to a PC
Open the update file
Open the menu “System” in the radio and go to Firmware Update.
The update appears in the PC program
Click on “Update” in the PC program
The update will be installed
The radio switches itself off and then on again.
After the update the receiver must be bound again (R4WP-Mini Ultimate 2020012)
Update the R4WP-Mini Ultimate receiver (2020012):

After rebinding, the radio will automatically detect that the receiver needs an update.
Press OK
Update receiver -> YES
Update will be downloaded to the receiver
Press Back
After the update, the receiver must be bound again
Update completed
CR4T Ultimate Racing Mode Update

CR4T ULTIMATE current firmware update

Firmware Update

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